Sunday, September 8, 2019

Depreciated Domains

We operate a few domains that all point to the same Service. As we gradually decommission these, ensure your members are using to avoid any disruption.

For the short-term we continue to support these secondary domains:


Our shortened domain remains active on

All other legacy domains are in the process of being decommissioned.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

API Auto-Banning of IP Addresses

With a large number of accounts becoming inactive over the next few months we have implemented a 1-strike rule on our API.

If you attempt to access our API with an invalid or inactive API Key, or using any other invalid method, your IP Address will be instantly banned and no further access will be permitted.

If your account has recently become inactive, please ensure you have disabled any API access to our RSS Services, Mapping, Central, Mail2PushOver, or any of our other on-line services.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

End of Subscription

We have a high number of Brigades and Units coming to the end of their active subscriptions at the end of this month (July). Please ensure you have checked your Account Status (on your main menu) to avoid any surprises for your Members when they become unable to access the System.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Licensing Error

Today we experienced a fault that caused some Accounts to be set to inactive due to over-counting the Active / Operational Member limits.

We have now fixed this and re-activated all affected Member Accounts.

If you have members that cannot log in, their Account Status may have not been reset back to Active. To quickly fix this for them, access your Menu > Manage Members, locate any Members indicating (INACTIVE), selec them > Edit Member and set the Security Active to enabled (green).

No Member data was lost during this time.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Update - May 2019

Here's a summary of where we are at. There's nothing new. Just a refresher for those who've not caught up.

Firstly, Google closed down Google+ earlier this year, so our Community site there has gone too. We are now posting here.

MyEmergencyCrew is closing access for all but a closed group of users. This means that there is no longer free access to the Service. Free Accounts were closed down on 31 December 2018 and all services associated with Free Accounts are now unavailable. This includes Mail2PushOver which uses our Servers to operate.

If you had a Subscription operating prior to December 2018 then it remains operational and active. You may continue to use it, and all related services, until your subscription expires.

There are no longer any options to renew Subscriptions or open a new Subscription.

Mail2PushOver will continue to be supported for Subscribed Users until 31 October 2019, after which it will no longer be available or supported.

We are not offering any alternatives or extensions, with the exception of our closed group who will continue to use all our services as usual. You know who you are and we're not entering into any discussions around this, sorry.

If you are currently subscribed you need to log in with an Admin account and hit the Account Status menu button. This will tell you when your access will close along with all API access, including CENTRAL and Mail2PushOver.

We understand that this decision to close impacts many hundreds of brigades and thousands of users and we're very sorry if this impacts your Brigade/Unit. We are in changing times and we believe our job is now done as more commercial emphasis comes into this market.

The lack of support from Agencies has been disappointing and the politics surrounding systems such as MyEmergencyCrew has been an unnecessary hindrance to providing a solid and dependable service to Emergency crews. We've been focused on providing rapid, bullet-proof Services where they are required and nothing more. Others don't see it that way.

We thank you for your valued support over the years.

If this raises concerns in your Brigade/Unit we suggest you take it up with your respective District and/or Agencies in the first instance.

- MyEmergencyCrew Team.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

MyEmergencyCrew Server Update

As part of our depreciated support for Free Accounts we have now removed free support for MyEmergencyCrew Server (Mail2PushOver).

This stand-alone product will continue to be supported for active Subscriptions only and where your valid API Key has been installed into the product.

If you have not entered your valid API Key you may do this manually following these steps:

1. Stop the Mail2PushOver Windows Service

2. Open the System registry: Windows Start > enter "regedit" in the search window

3. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DigitalSkydive\Mail2PushOver\API

or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DigitalSkydive\Mail2PushOver\API on 64 bit machines

4. Enter your API Key in the "key" registry value

5. Restart the Mail2PishOver Service

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Updates to Live View

Usually, in Live View, when there is no activity, the Map disappears. You may now replace the Map (when not shown) with the Weather image of your choice, which can be selected in your Profile.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Updates to Messaging

We've added a couple of new options to your Messaging Preferences under your Profile.

  • Always CC to my EMail
  • Always Send from Me

Checking the Always CC EMail option, so long as you have a valid email address also set in your Profile, will send any messages for you via EMail too if you usually receive them via SMS or PushOver. If you already have your Preference set to EMail then this has no additional effect.

This is handy option if you want to keep track of messages sent to you in your EMail as a backup.

Checking the Always Send from Me is only available if you have the rights to Send Messages and will ensure that any messages you send are tagged as being from you as opposed to being sent from the System Default sender.

This is a handy option if you want people to reply to you directly and you keep forgetting to change the "From" option when composing a message.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

MyEmergencyCrew Server Update 4.3.2

We've seen that Google has removed free (keyless) access for Static Maps and Driving Matrix queries. So we've now added a field for you to enter your own Google API Key in 4.3.2 to restore these Services.

Update available at

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Free Accounts now Closed

All support for our Free Accounts has now finished and all Accounts previously on the Free tier with a maximum of 20 Active Members have now closed.

Be sure to inform your Members of this as they will no longer be able to log in if they are unaware.

MyEmergencyCrew continues to support all Paid Subscription Accounts until their respective expiration dates.