As part of our depreciated support for Free Accounts we have now removed free support for MyEmergencyCrew Server (Mail2PushOver).
This stand-alone product will continue to be supported for active Subscriptions only and where your valid API Key has been installed into the product.
If you have not entered your valid API Key you may do this manually following these steps:
1. Stop the Mail2PushOver Windows Service
2. Open the System registry: Windows Start > enter "regedit" in the search window
3. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DigitalSkydive\Mail2PushOver\API
or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DigitalSkydive\Mail2PushOver\API on 64 bit machines
4. Enter your API Key in the "key" registry value
5. Restart the Mail2PishOver Service